Bibliografia: India


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MARANGONI Rossella (a cura di), “Bibliografia: India”, AsiaTeatro – rivista di studi online, annate 2011-2021, fascicolo 5: Bibliografia dei teatri asiatici, pp. 30-40

Opere in lingua italiana

AA. VV., Kathakali, Roma, Tair Teatro Arcoiris (coll. Libretti dell’Arcoiris), 1977.

AA.VV., Maschere, musiche e danze dell’Asia, Milano, La Biennale Settore Musica, Centro di Ricerca per il Teatro di Milano, 1980. 

AA. VV., Dipinti madhubani, strumenti musicali e maschere, CESMEO, Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alla Cultura. – Torino, CESMEO, 1987.

ALLORI, Luigi, Ombre d’Oriente: il Teatro dei Burattini di cuoio in India, Indonesia, Thailandia e Cina, Milano, Zona Nove, 2008.

AZZARONI, Giovanni, Teatro in Asia, vol. IV (Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka), Bologna, Clueb, 2006.

AZZARONI, Giovanni (cur.), Rāma vs Bāli : dei e demoni giocano la guerra, Bologna, CLUEB, (Quaderni di teatro in Asia e in Africa; 4 ), 2007.

BERTULETTI, Shilpa, La danza odissi. L’identità culturale femminile nell’India contemporanea, Roma, Clueb, 2019.

BOCCALI, Giuliano, PIANO, Stefano, SANI S., Le letterature dell’India, Torino, Utet, 2000.

BOCCALI, Giuliano, Torella Raffaele (a cura di), Passioni d’Oriente. Eros ed emozioni in India e Tibet, 2001, Torino, Einaudi, 2007. 

CASARI, Matteo, de CONCINI, Giuditta (a cura di), Danzare il Nāṭya. Permanenze e trasformazioni del teatro-danza indiano, Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti e ALMADL – Area Sistemi Dipartimentali e Documentali, 2015.

COOMARASWAMY, Ananda K., Lo specchio del gesto, Padova, Casadeilibri, 2011.

GUZMAN, Carolina, Sculture che danzano: società, teatro arte nell’India antica, Pozzuolo del Friuli, Il Principe Costante, 2001.

HEESTERMAN, J. C., Il mondo spezzato del sacrificio. Studio sul rituale nell’India antica, Milano, Adelphi, 2007.

KĀLIDĀSA, Il riconoscimento di Śakuntalā, a cura di Vincenzina Mazzarino, Milano, Adelphi, 1993.

LEUCCI, Tiziana, Devadasi e Bayaderes: tra storia e leggenda: le danzatrici indiane nei racconti di viaggio e nell’immaginario teatrale occidentale (XVIII-XX secolo), Bologna, CLUEB, 2005.

OTTAI, Antonella, Teatro Oriente/Occidente, Roma, Bulzoni, 1986.

OTTAVIANI, Gioia, I fondamenti del teatro in Asia. Il Nātyaśāstra, Il libro della musica (Yueiji) , I trattati di Zeami, Roma, Aracne, 2004.

OTTAVIANI, Gioia, Dramma e danza in India. Aspetti della tradizione, Roma, Aracne, 2005.

PACCIOLLA P., SPAGNA A.L., La gioia e il potere. Musica e danza in India, Nardò, Besa Editrice, 2008. 

PIRETTI SANTANGELO, Laura, Il teatro indiano antico. Aspetti e problemi, Bologna, Clueb, 1982.

PIRETTI SANTANGELO, Laura, Il teatro indiano classico (corso monografico a cura della docente: lingue, culture e civiltà orientali, Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia alma mater studiorum Università di Bologna), Bologna, Patron, 2004.

PIRETTI SANTANGELO, Laura, Per una storia della critica teatrale indiana, Bologna, CLUEB, 1983.

PIRETTI SANTANGELO, Laura, Satī: una tragedia indiana, Bologna, CLUEB, 1991.

SAVARESE, Nicola, (a cura di), Anatomia del teatro,  Firenze, La Casa Usher, 1983.

SAVARESE, Nicola, Teatro e spettacolo fra oriente e occidente, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1992.

VALLAURI, Mario, Teatro indiano, Milano, Nuova Accademia, 1959.

Opere in altre lingue

AA. VV., The Marathi Theatre, Bombay, Popular Book Depot, 1961. 

AA. VV., Inde, quand les dieux se donnent en spectacle, oeuvres dans la collection du Musée Kwok On., Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt, 1997.

ĀHAMEDA, Saiẏada Jāmila, Acinpakhi infinity: indigenous theatre of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, University Press, 2000.

AKHTAR, Ayad, The invisible hand,  London, Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2016.

BAK Kun Bae, Krishna Theatre in India, Delhi, Asia Publishing House, 1964. 

BALDISSERA, F., MICHAELS, A., Der Indische Tanz, Koerpersprache in Vollendung, Koeln, DuMont Buchverlag, 1988. 

BANERJEE, B., King Sudraka and his Drama, Torino, Orientalia, Collana di Studi del Cesmeo, 1994. 

BANERJI, Arnab, Contemporary Group Theatre in Kolkata, London, Routledge, 2021.

BANSAT-BOUDON, Lyne, Poétique du théâtre indien. Lectures du Nāṭaśāstra, Paris, EFEO-Ecole Française d’extreme-orient, 1992.

BANSAT-BOUDON, Lyne (ed.), Théâtres indiens, Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1998. 

BATRA, Kanika, Feminist visions and queer futures in postcolonial drama: community, kinship, and citizenship, London, Routledge, 2011.

BEOHAR, Chetana Jyotishi, Sastric tradition in Indian classical dances, Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, 2015.

BERSON, Misha, Between worlds +: Contemporary Asian-American Plays, New York, Theatre Communications Group, 1990.

BHARATA, Iyer K., Kathakali, the sacred Dance-Drama of Malabar, New Delhi, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1983. 

BHARUCHA, Rustom, Theatre and the world : performance and the politics of culture, London, Routledge, 1993.

BHAT, Govind Keshav, Natya-manjari-saurabha: Sanskrit dramatic theory, Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1981.

BHAT, G. K., The vidūṣaka, Ahmedabad, New Order Book Co., 1959.

BHATIA, Nandi, Acts of Authority/Acts of Resistance.Theater and Politics in Colonial and Postcolonial India, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2004.

BHATTACHARYA, B., Sanskrit Drama and Dramaturgy, Delhi, Sharada Publishing House, 1994. 

BHATTACHARYA, Arnab, RENGANATHAN, Mala, The Politics and Reception of Rabindranath Tagore’s Drama: The Bard on Stage,  London, Routledge, 2015.

BLACKBURN, Stuart, Inside the drama-house: Rama stories and shadows puppets in South India, Berkeley (California), University of California Press, 1996.

BOUVIER, Hélène, TOFFIN, Gérard, Théâtres d’Asie à l’oeuvre. Circulation, expression, politique, Paris, EFEO, 2012.

BRÜCKNER, Heidrun, de BRUIN, Hanne M., MOSER, Heike (dir.), Between Fame and Shame: Performing Women / Women Performers in India, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2011.

CHATTERJEE, Sudipto, Indian Popular Theatres, London, Routledge, 2011.

CHATTOPADHYAY, S., Theatre in ancient India, New Delhi, Manohar, 1993.

CHEMANA, Martine, AYAR, S. Ganesa, Kathakali. Théâtre traditionnel vivant du Kerala, Paris, Gallimard, coll. “Connaissance de l’Orient”, 1992.

CHERIAN, Anita E., Tilt Pause Shift. Dance Ecologies in India, New York, Columbia University Press, 2017.

DALMIA, Vasudha, Poetics, Plays and Performances. The Politics of Modern Indian Theatre, New York, Oxford University Press USA, 2005.

DAMODARAN, Sumangala, The Radical Impulse. Music in the Tradition of the Indian People’s Theatre Association, New York, Columbia University Press, 2017.

DANIELOU, Alain, BHATT, N.R., Le Gitalamkara, l’ouvrage original de Bharata sur la musique, Pondichéry, Institut Français de Indologie, 1959. 

DAS GUPTA, Hemendra Nath, The Indian Theatre, Delhi, Gian Publishing House, 1988.

DAS GUPTA, Hemendra Nath, The Indian Stage, Calcutta, Metropolitan printing & publishing house, s.d.

DHARMASIRI, Kanchuka (ed.),Performance in a time of terror: five Sinhala plays from Sri Lanka, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY, Routledge, 2021.

DHARWADKER, Aparna Bhargava, A poetics of modernity: Indian theatre theory, 1850 to the present, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2019.

DIMITROVA, Diana, Hinduism and Hindi theater,  New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

EVI, R., Dance Dialects of India, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 2002.

GANGULY, Sanjoy, From Boal to Jana Sanskriti: practice and principles, London, Routledge, 2016.

GANGULY, Sanjoy, Jana Sanskriti: Forum Theatre and Democracy in India, London, Routledge, 2010.

GANSER, Elisa, Theatre and Its Other. Abhinavagupta on Dance and Dramatic Acting, Leyden, Brill, 2021.

GARGI, Balwant, Theater und tanz in Indien, aus dem englischen von Mowgli Litten und Annemarie Bostroem, Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1960.

GARGI, Balwant, Theatre in India, New York, Theatre Arts Books, 1962.

GASTON, M., Bharata Natyam. From Temple to Theatre, New Delhi, Manohar, 2005.

GHOSH, Arjun, A history of the Jana Natya Manch: plays for the people, New Delhi; Thousand Oaks, Calif., SAGE Publications, 2012.

GOKHALE, Shanta, The Theatre of Veenapani Chawla. Theory, Practice, and Performance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.

GOKHALE, Shanta, One foot on the ground: a life told through the body, New Delhi, Speaking Tiger, 2019.

GOKHALE, Shanta, The scenes we made: an oral history of experimental theatre in Mumbai  New Delhi, Speaking Tiger, 2016.

GOOPTU, Sarvani, The actress in the public theatres of Calcutta, Delhi, Primus Books, 2015.

GRUND, Françoise, Arts de l’Inde. Danses Chhu, Paris, Press Orientalistes de France, coll. Maison des cultures du monde, 1985.

HANSEN, Kathryn, Stages of life: Indian theatre autobiographies, London, Anthem Press, 2013.

HOLLANDER, Julia, Indian Folk Theatres, London, Routledge, 2007.

ITTOOP, Jacob, Conventions in Kūṭiyāṭṭam, Delhi, New Bharatiya Book Corporation, 2019.

JAIN, Kirti (ed.), Badal Sircar: search for a language of theatre, New Delhi, Niyogi Books, 2016.

JAIN, Mahaveer, Unmasking-the-mask: theatre of relevance, New Delhi, Manak Publications, 2014.

JAIN Nemicandra, Indian Theatre. Tradition, Continuity and Change, New Delhi, National School of Drama, 2012.

JALIL, Rakhshanda, Liking progress, loving change: a literary history of the Progressive Writers’ Movement in Urdu, New Delhi; Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.

JATOO, Sushma, LALL, Sudhir (eds.), Bhand pather: the folk theatre of Kashmir, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts : B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2015

KARNAD, Girish, Collected Plays: Volume 1, new edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.

KARNAD, Girish, Collected Plays: Volume 3, new edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.

KATYAL, Anjum, Badal Sircar: towards a theatre of conscience, New Delhi : Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2015.

KAUSHAL, Molly, KUMAR, Sukrita Paul (eds.), Aesthetic textures: living traditions of the Mahabharata, New Delhi, DK Printworld-Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 2019.

KHĀḌILAKARA, Kr̥ishṇājī Prabhākara, Globalization, nationalism and the text of Kichaka-Vadha: the first English translation of the Marathi anticolonial classic, with a historical analysis of theatre in British India, London; New York, Anthem Press, 2014.

KIRONMOY, Raha: Bengali Theatre, New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1978. 

KOSAMBI, Meera, Gender, culture and performance: Marathi theatre and cinema before independence, London, Routledge, 2015.

KUNDU, Manujendra, So Near, Yet So Far. Badal Sircar’s Third Theatre, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016.

LAL, Ananda, The Oxford Companion to India Theatre, New York, Oxford University Press USA, 2004.

LAL, Ananda, Theatres of India. A Concise Companion, New York, Oxford University Press USA, 2009.

LECLERE, Basile, Le théâtre de l’Inde médiévale entre tradition et innovation: le Moharājapar̄ajaya de Yaśaḥpāla, Marburg, Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 2013.

LÉGERET, Katia, Danse contemporaine et théâtre indien. Un nouvel art?, Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2010.

LÉGERET-MANOCHHAYA, Katia, Dance theatre of India: crossing new aesthetics and cultures, New Delhi, Niyogi Books, 2018.

LEVI, Sylvain, Le Théâtre Indien, Paris, Collège de France, Librairie Honoré Champion, 1963. 

LIGHTFOOT, Louise, Louise Lightfoot in search of India: an Australian dancer’s experience, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

MARTIN-DUBOST, Martin, Théâtre danse du Kerala, Paris, La Différence, 1990.

MAHAWAR, Niranjan, Nautcha: a folk theatre form, New Delhi, Aayu Publications, 2019.

MAHAWAR, Niranjan, ncha: a folk theatre of Mālwa (central India), New Delhi, Aayu Publications, 2015.

MAṄKAI, A., Acting up: gender and theatre in India, 1979 onwards, New Delhi, LeftWord, 2015.

McGRATH, Kevin, Jaya. Performance in Epic Mahābhārata, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2011.

MENON K.P.S., A Dictionary of Kathakali, Madras, Orient Longman, 1979.

MISIRHIRALALL, Sabrina D., Devotional Hindu Dance, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

MORELLI, Sarah, A Guru’s Journey: Pandit Chitresh Das and Indian Classical Dance in Diaspora, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2019.

MULK Raj Anand, The Indian Theatre London, Dennis Dobson, 1950. 

NAIKAR, Basavaraj S., The folk theatre of north Karnāṭaka, New Delhi, Authorspress, 2012.

NAIR, Sreenath, The Natyasastra and the body in performance: essays on Indian theories of dance and drama, Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2015.

NAIR, Sreenath, Manikin plays: two contemporary plays, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

NAMPŪTIRIPPĀṬ, Nārāyaṇan Cittūr, Revealing the art of Nāṭyaśāstra, New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2012.

NARAYANAN, Mundoli, Space, Time and Ways of Seeing. The Performance Culture of Kutiyattam, New Delhi, Routledge India, 2021.

NICHOLSON, Rashna Darius, The Colonial Public and the Parsi Stage. The Making of the Theatre of Empire (1853-1893), London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

OBERLIN, Heike, SHULMAN, David, Two Masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam: Mantrāṅkam and Angulīyāṅkam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019.

OTTO, B. K., Fools Are Everywhere. The Court Jester Around the World, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001.

PAMMENT, Claire, Comic performance in Pakistan: the Bhānd, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

PANCHAL, G., The Theatres of Bharata and Some Aspects of Sanskrit Play-production, New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1996. 

PĀṆIGRĀHĪ, Rameśa Prasāda, The phallus and the fire: theatre anthropology of Danda Nata, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2013. 

PANJA, Shormishtha, Performing Shakespeare in India: exploring Indianness, literatures and cultures, New Delhi, SAGE, 2016.

POLLOCK, Sheldon, A Rasa Reader. Classical Indian Aesthetics, New York, Columbia University Press, 2018.

PRAKASH, Brahma, Cultural Labour. Conceptualizing the “Folk Performance” in India, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019.

PRATEEK, Dr., Brecht in India: the poetics and politics of transcultural theatre, London, Routledge, 2020.

PREMARATNA, Nilanjana, Theatre for Peacebuilding: The Role of Arts in Conflict Transformation in South Asia, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

RAGHAVAN, Venkatarama, The social play in Sanskrit, Bangalore, Indian institute of culture, 1952.

RAMARATNAM, Subramanian, Dance drama in theory and practice, New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2015.

RAMARATNAM, Subramanian, Sanskrit drama: with special reference to prahasana and vithi, New Delhi, D.K. Printworld, 2014.

RAMPERSAD, Indrani, Ram lila-s in North India and Mauritius, New Delhi, Vani Prakashan in association with Ayodhya Research Institute, 2019.

RANGACHARYA (ed.), The Nāṭyaśāstra. English Translation with Critical Notes, New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 2007.

RENGANATHAN, Mala, BHATTACHARYA, Arnab (eds.), Rabindranath Tagore’s drama in the perspective of Indian theatre, London, Anthem Press, 2020.

RICHMAN, Paula, BARUCHA, Rustom (eds), Performing the Ramayana Tradition. Enactments, Interpretations, and Arguments, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.

RICHMOND F. P., SWANN, D.L., ZARRILLI, P.B.(eds.), Indian Theatre. Traditions of performance, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1993.

ROUT, Satyabrata, On the crossroads of theatre, Delhi, Vijaya Books, 2012.

SAHA, Sharmistha, Theatre and national identity in colonial India: formation of a community through cultural practice, Singapore, Springer, 2018.

SAHNI, Kalpana, Balraj & Bhisham Sahni: brothers in political theatre, New Delhi, Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust Sahmat, 2012.

SAI, Veejay, Drama queens: women who created history on stage, New Delhi, Lustre Press/Roli Books, 2017.

SALVINI, Milena, La fabuleuse histoire du kathakali à travers ses techniques: navarasa, l’univers des sentiments, le langage corporel, Paris, Riveneuve éditions; Paris, Archimbaud éditeur, 2017.

SARKAR MUNSI, Urmimala, BURRIDGE, Stephanie (eds.), Traversing Tradition. Celebrating Dance in India, London, Routledge, 2010.

SARWAL, Amit, The Dancing God: Staging Hindu Dance in Australia, London, Routledge, 2020.

SATHE, Makarand, A socio-political history of Marathi theatre: thirty nights, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2015.

SATHE, Makarand (ed.), Tendulkar, Marathi theatre and modernity, New Delhi, National School of Drama, 2018.

SAX, William S., The gods at play: ‘Lila’ in south Asia, New York, Oxford University Press USA, 1995.

SCHECHNER, R., Performative Circumstances from the Avan Garde to Ramlila, Calcutta, Seagull Books, 1983. 

SCHWARTZ, Susan L., Rasa. Performing the Divine in India, New York, Columbia University Press, 2004.

SELTMANN, Friedrich, Schatten- und Marionettenspiel in Sawantwadi (Süd-Maharastra),  Wiesbaden & Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1985.

SELTMANN, Friedrich, Schattenspiel in Karnataka, Süd-Indien, Wiesbaden & Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1993.

SHASTRI, Surenda Nath, The laws and practice of Sanskrit drama : an investigation into the canons of Sanskrit dramaturgy and their application to some principal plays in Sanskrit, Varanasi, Chowkhamba Sanskrit series office (coll. Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies), s.d.

SIEGEL, L., Laughing Matters: Comic Tradition in India, Chicago-London, University of Chicago Press, 1987.

SINGH, Anita,Staging feminisms: gender, violence and performance in contemporary India, New Delhi, Routledge India, 2021.

SINHA, Biswajit, Bengali theatre: dramatic voyage of Delhi, New Delhi, Raj Publications, 2011.

SINHA, Biswajit, SINHA, Soma, Women in theatre: (colonial era: Bengal), New Delhi, Raj Publications, 2011.

STEINER, Karin, BRÜCKNER, Heidrun (dir.), Indisches Theater: Text, Theorie, Praxis, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2010.

STOLER MILLER, Barbara, Theatre of Memory: The Plays of Kalidasa, New York, Columbia University Press, 1984.

TAGORE, Rabindranath, Three plays: Mukta-dhara, Natir Puja, Chandalika, translated by Marjorie Sykes, Madras, Oxford University Press, 1951.

THAKKAR, Monika, Folk theatre forms of Maharashtra: narratives and audience response.  A critical discourse, Delhi, New Bharatiya Book Corporation, 2017.

THIELEMANN, Selina, Rasalila: a musical study of religious drama in Vraja, New Delhi, APH publishing corporation, 1998.

TRIPATHI, Radhavallabh (ed.), Nāṭyaśāstra in the modern world, New Delhi, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Printworld, 2014.

TRIPATHI, Radhavallabh (ed.), Nāṭyaśāstra and the Indian dramatic tradition, New Delhi, National Mission for Manuscripts/ Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2012.

TUTEJA, K.L., CHAKRABORTY, Kaustav (eds.), Tagore and Nationalism, New Delhi, Springer, 2017.

UMA, Anand, The romance of theatre, New Delhi, National council of educational research and training, 1969.

VĀḌĪKARA, Śailajā, Badal Sircar: people’s playwright, New Delhi, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2018.

VAJPEYI, Udayan (ed.), K.N. Panikkar: the theatre of rasa, New Delhi, Niyogi Books, 2012.

VAN M. BAUMER, Rachel, BRANDON, James, Sanskrit drama in performance, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 1981.

VARADPANDE, M. L., History of Indian Theatre, New Delhi, Abinav Pubblications, 1982.

VARADPANDE, M. L., Religion and Theatre, New Delhi, Abinav Pubblications, 1983. 

VARADPANDE, M. L., History of Indian Theatre, New Delhi, Abinav Pubblications, 1987.

VARADPANDE, M. L., History of Indian Theatre, Lokaranga. Panorama of Indian Folk Theatre, New Delhi, Abhinav Publications, 1992.

VARADPANDE, M. L., Concise Dictionary of Indian Theatre, New Delhi, Abhinav publications, 2007.

VARMA, Rahul, Bhopal: récit d’une catastrophe oubliée, Montréal, Québec, Dramaturges Éditeurs, 2016.

VATSYAYAN, K., Classical Indian Dance in Literature and the Arts, New Delhi, Sangeet Natak Akademi, 1968.

VATSYAYAN, K., Traditional Indian Theatre. Multiple Streams, New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1980.

VERMA, Archana, Performance and culture: narrative, image and enactment in India, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

YARROW, Ralph, Jana Sanskriti, London, Routledge, 2021.

YARROW, Ralph, Indian theatre: theatre of origin, theatre of freedom, London, Routledge, 2021.

WEERERATNE, Neville (ed.), Applause at the Wendt: celebrating fifty years at the Lionel Wendt Theatre, 1953-2003, Kol̲umpu (Colombo), Sri Lanka, The Lionel Wendt Memorial Fund, 2003.

ZARRILLI, Philip, The Kathakali Complex. Actor, Performance & Structure, New Delhi, Abhinav publications, 1984.

Bibliografia a cura di Rossella Marangoni

con il contributo della Fondazione Ada Ceschin Pilone e di